Setting up decomp


  • A valid Paper Mario US v1.0 ROM (There are a variety of tools you can use to dump a backup from your own cartridge. Please ensure your cartridge matches the required version.)
    • MD5-Checksum (.z64): a722f8161ff489943191330bf8416496
    • If you do have a clean NTSC-U ROM, but it is in the .n64 or .v64 format, use the following website to fix your ROM:
  • A UNIX operating system like Linux or macOS. Windows users should read the Windows page.


This guide will walk through setting up papermario-dx, a fork of papermario which makes modding easier and provides a better developer experience. If you would prefer to not use dx, simply clone the papermario repository instead.

Clone the repository:

git clone
cd papermario-dx

Install pigment64 (our image-processing tool)

curl -sSf | sh
cargo install pigment64

and make sure pigment64 is in your system path.

Install build dependencies:


NOTE: On Mac, if you get an error that looks like

Error: Cannot install md5sha1sum because conflicting formulae are installed.
 coreutils: because both install `md5sum` and `sha1sum` binaries

Please `brew unlink coreutils` before continuing.

it's fine to just open in a text editor, delete the md5sha1sum from the brew install line, and rerun it (put it back after so you don't accidentally commit it!)

Copy baserom into the following place:

  • ver/us/baserom.z64 (sha1: 3837f44cda784b466c9a2d99df70d77c322b97a0)

(If you're using WSL, you can enter the Linux filesystem by opening \\wsl$ in File Explorer; e.g. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\<your username>\papermario-dx.)

Configure the build and extract assets from the base ROM:


Compile the game:


The output ROM is ver/us/build/papermario.z64 - you can run this in any N64 emulator.

Alternatively, to compile and run, you can use the run script:


(This will search known paths for an emulator. If your emulator isn't listed, add it to the list and contribute!)

If you have Visual Studio Code, you can type code . to open the repo within it.

You can now begin modding.