Reference: Event Scripting > Control Flow



  • decomp
    • EVT_IF_EQ(A, B) (equals)
    • EVT_IF_NE(A, B) (not equals)
    • EVT_IF_LT(A, B) (lower than)
    • EVT_IF_GT(A, B) (greater than)
    • EVT_IF_LE(A, B) (lower than or equal)
    • EVT_IF_GE(A, B) (greater than or equal)
  • Star Rod
    • If A == B (equals)
    • If A != B (not equals)
    • If A < B (lower than)
    • If A > B (greater than)
    • If A <= B (lower than or equal)
    • If A >= B (greater than or equal)

Conditional statements behave exactly as you might expect.

Flag bits related:

  • decomp
    • EVT_IF_FLAG(A, B) (bitwise check if bit B is set on value A)
    • EVT_IF_NOT_FLAG(A, B) (bitwise check if bit B is not set on value A)
  • Star Rod
    • If ((A & B) != 0) (bitwise check if bit B is set on value A)
    • If ((A & B) == 0) (bitwise check if bit B is not set on value A)

Note that the bitwise AND conditions treat the second argument as a constant. This means that they will not try to dereference script variables so you should NOT supply them with *Var[X], etc. They are intended to check whether certain flags are set for the first argument.

EVT_ELSE (decomp) / Else (Star Rod)

(optional) Begins the block to be executed if the above If condition is false.

EVT_END_IF (decomp) / EndIf (Star Rod)

Designates the end of an If..EndIf or If..Else..EndIf body.

Switch Case

EVT_SWITCH(A) (decomp) / Switch VarA (Star Rod)

Begins a switch statement using the given variable. Up to 8 switch statements may be nested within a single script.

EVT_SWITCH_CONST(A) (decomp) / SwitchConst A (Star Rod)

Begins a switch statement using the given constant.

  • decomp
    • EVT_CASE_EQ(B) (equals)
    • EVT_CASE_NE(B) (not equals)
    • EVT_CASE_LT(B) (lower than)
    • EVT_CASE_GT(B) (greater than)
    • EVT_CASE_LE(B) (lower than or equals)
    • EVT_CASE_GE(B) (greater than or equals)
    • EVT_CASE_FLAG(B) (bitwise AND not equals zero)
    • EVT_CASE_RANGE(B, C) (B <= SwitchVar <= C)
  • Star Rod
    • Case == B (equals)
    • Case != B (not equals)
    • Case < B (lower than)
    • Case > B (greater than)
    • Case <= B (lower than or equals)
    • Case >= B (greater than or equals)
    • Case & B (bitwise AND not equals zero)
    • Case B to C (B <= SwitchVar <= C)

Begins the block to be executed if the condition is true. Unlike the switch you might be used to, these cases do not support fallthrough.

EVT_CASE_OR_EQ(B) (decomp) / CaseOR [COND] B (Star Rod)

Several of these cases may appear in series. The clause is executed if any values are equal. These cases support fall-though, so every subsequent clause will be executed until a normal case or EndCaseGroup is encountered.

EVT_CASE_AND_EQ(B) (decomp) / CaseAND [COND] B (Star Rod)

Several of these cases may appear in series. All conditions must be satisfied for the clause to executed. Unused in the original code, intended use-case unknown. Potentially useful for SwitchConst blocks to check multiple variables against the constant.

EVT_END_CASE_GROUP (decomp) / EndCaseGroup (Star Rod)

Terminates a CaseOR or CaseAND fall-though/matching group.

EVT_CASE_DEFAULT (decomp) / Default (Star Rod)

Begins the block to be executed if no preceding conditions matched.

EVT_BREAK_SWITCH (decomp) / BreakCase (Star Rod)

Jumps out of a case clause to the end of the switch block.

EVT_END_SWITCH (decomp) / EndSwitch (Star Rod)

Ends a switch statement.

Jump and Goto Commands

EVT_JUMP(EvtSource) (decomp) / Jump $EvtSource (Star Rod)

Jumps to a given instruction pointer and begins execution from there. You can jump to a different EVT source and labels etc. will be loaded as expected. The timescale for the current thread is also reset to the global default.

EVT_LABEL(Label_ID) (decomp) / Label Label_ID (Star Rod)

Marks this point in the script as a EVT_GOTO target. Range: 0 <= Label_ID <= 0x16

EVT_GOTO(Label_ID) (decomp) / Goto Label_ID (Star Rod)

Moves execution to the given label.

Wait Commands

EVT_WAIT(A) (decomp) / Wait A (Star Rod)

Blocks the current thread for the given number of frames.

EVT_WAIT_SECS(A) (decomp)

Blocks the current thread for the given number of seconds. Unused.


EVT_LOOP(A) (decomp) / Loop A (Star Rod)

Repeat the following commands a certain number of times. To create an infinite loop, use A = 0. Star Rod assumes the iteration count is zero if no argument is provided.

Note: passing a variable will decrement the variable after each iteration until it equals zero. If the variable is zero before the loop begins, the loop will be infinite; make sure it breaks or blocks to avoid a freeze.

Up to 8 loops may be nested within a single script.

EVT_BREAK_LOOP (decomp) / BreakLoop (Star Rod)

Immediately jump out of a loop and continue execution after the next EndLoop command.

EVT_END_LOOP (decomp) / EndLoop (Star Rod)

Designates the end of a loop body.